
 Currently with a Brokerage or left less than 60 days ago 

Real Estate Parking made Easy!




Step 1 - Leave Your Brokerage!

Leave Your BrokerageSend a letter to your Brokerage telling them you are leaving! Here's a Sample! We will need a copy of your resignation letter, or, if your Brokerage let  you go, a copy of that letter.


Step 2 -  Sign in to RECO and Fill out your forms!

Fill out your forms and send them in 


Download the Brokerage Registration Form.


Fill out the form and send it in.

Step 3 - Pay your Fees!

Pay your parking fee



You will be billed for your parking fee of $99 + HST. You can optionally choose to order 500 business cards for an additional $50 + HST.

You will also be billed by RECO for your transfer fee.




Step 4 - Get Paid for Referrals!

Get paid for referrals


Refer anyone you know who wants to buy or sell to an active  agent and collect your paycheck when the deal closes!

We can provide you with highly qualified agents to send your Buyers and Sellers to ANYWHERE in the world!